MOTUL 800 2T OFF ROAD is a fully synthetic, ester-based, high-performance 2-stroke engine oil. Specially tailored to the extreme demands of MX sport, both for water and air-cooled engines. For street motorcycling, MOTUL 800 2T ROAD RACING is recommended. Suitable for regular and unleaded petrol up to 124 octane.
NOTE: Only for self-mixing!!!
Very high pressure absorption capacity.
Reduction of the operating temperature, which has a performance-enhancing effect in the upper speeds.
Due to the excellent cleaning ability, pistons and all engine parts stay clean.
This prevents deposits and coking in the combustion chamber, on spark plugs and in the exhaust system.
Avoids sticking of the piston rings.
Hardly any combustion residues.
Less friction and wear.
Outstanding lubricating properties.
For self-mixing only, do not use in autolube systems.
Suzuki MX GP Team Mix Ratio Used (RM 250) 2% (50:1)
In normal operation, the mixing ratio can be reduced by 0.5%.
Fine-tuning based on your own experience in connection with the manufacturer's specifications.
Color (visual) red
Density at 20°C ASTM D1298 0.911
Viscosity at 100°C ASTM D445 15.5 mm²/s
Viscosity at 40°C ASTM D445 120.2 mm²/s
Viscosity Index ASTM D2270 135
Pour point ASTM D97 -48°C
Flash point ASTM D92 252°C
waste oil disposal
According to the Waste Oil Ordinance, we are obliged to take back the following used oils free of charge: -- Combustion engine oils -- Transmission oils -- Oil filters and oily waste that occurs regularly when changing the oil. You can return the used oil to us in the amount that corresponds to the amount you bought from us.
The place of return is our sales location mentioned below:
TD Customs Owner: Timo Drack
95336 Mainleus
Telephone: +49 160/94700834
Carry out the oil change yourself, use the local opportunities to hand in your used oil (possibly for a fee) at recycling points (e.g. recycling centre). You can usually find out whether your local waste collection point accepts waste oil on site or from your responsible municipality.
We accept and dispose of them in accordance with Section 8 of the Waste Oil Ordinance (Section 8 AltölV).